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Client only version - DIY newborn photoshoot with Inspirique Baby Photography

Hi all, if you're reading this it's because unfortunately I'm not able to take your newborn photos.. yet! As soon as I'm legally able to open the studio doors again, you'll be priority before any other bookings.

If you want to remind yourself of the 'Plan B' please click here. But in a nutshell,.because I can't proceed with your newborn photoshoot, I'm giving you a tutorial and a DIY kit to take your own, which I'll then edit. This service is completely free, and is in addition to me still taking your professional photos when I can.

Please watch the video attached for guidance. And please do open up the following links to refer to as well;

This is a video similar to the one I have created for you, which I do mention in it. But it was a live I did in my group for pregnant & new Mummy's (which will be beneficial to you too so please read about that here and join). It was for people at home who haven't booked a photoshoot on how to take their own images with their own props found around their house. You may find it useful watching this one too. Especially for the sibling part as I haven't been able to do it with Martha yet for your video.

These are images I took on my phone within the video I linked above. It will give you tips with step by step guide and a workflow so please also refer to this.

In your package you have received:

x1 canon 1000D

x1 32GB memory card

x1 filled beanbag

x1 cream blanket

x1 cream flokati rug

x1 flower branch (with neutral and pink girl set)

x3 individual flowers (with neutral and pink girl set)

x2 greenery branches (with neutral boy set)

x1 pink floral headband (with pink girl set)

x1 cream floral headband (with neutral girl set)

x4 blue textures/ wraps (with blue boy set)

x4 neutral textures/ wraps (with neutral boy & girl set)

x4 pink textures/ wraps (with pink girl set)

x1 teddy hear hat

x1 mini teddy bear

x1 wooden bed

x1 bed mattress

x1 cushion

x1 wooden floordrop

All items given to you have been disinfected and/ or washed, and I ask that you kindly do the same when returning. Do not wash any fabrics as they can shrink, just put them in a separate carrier bag for me to wash immediately, and please use a disinfectant wipe for the beanbag and camera (not the lens).

Please watch this video before attempting to take your photos, and again whilst taking them as you keep pausing. The more you follow my instructions, the better your images will be.

If at any time you feel stressed that you can't do it. Go and have a cup of tea and call me. Babies mimic our mood and will not 'play ball' with an upset parent. I'm always happy to FaceTime and guide you through if needs be. As long as you don't mind that I may have a toddler attached to me!

Watch all of the video up to 29 minutes 22 seconds, you'll then hear me say skip to the following times to show you how I used the colour.

Neural: 29 minutes 22 seconds

Pink: 34 minutes 30 seconds

Blue: 36 minutes 26 seconds

Video continues for everyone at 38 minutes 42 seconds.

I have posted what I took in the video below, which is roughly what you'll be getting of your baby. I'll edit up to 10 images for you and email them back over within a couple of days. But this is what you're aiming for pose and position wise. This is a doll so yours may look totally different but that's fine. As long as baby's face is clear, nappy isn't on show, they're not unhappy/ crying and there's enough background (refer to video for what I mean), then the photos will be perfect.

Just try and have fun with it. It's not your actual photoshoot, remember you will still be getting the professional images with me so this isn't instead of, it's as well as. Think of it as a bonus and don't take it too seriously. You're not a pro, you probably have no idea how to use a camera so I don't expect 5* images. Do what you can, and I'm sure you'll love them regardless.

I think it's great that you parents are getting involved. What a story to tell hey?

Have fun, enjoy, and good luck!

Jade x

P.s. It goes without saying but just a gentle reminder that if you accept this service, it will void your deposit being refundable and your shoot must still go ahead. You cannot change your mind about wanting the professional photoshoot after hiring my kit and me editing your images.

P.p.s.. please don't break my stuff haha.


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