We have some exciting news! We're teaming up with See Your Baby, a brand new private midwifery and ultrasound clinic in Leicester.
Midwife Katie Adams who you may recognise from previously helping to run Miracle In Progress in Shepshed, has opened up her very own scan clinic offering a variety of packages and services, perfect for those thinking about starting a family and those who have already commenced their journey. She will be joined by sonographer Laura Pearson, also a former staff member of Miracle In Progress.
And here they are.. Headshots aren't usually my area of expertise but I quite enjoyed doing something a little different in the studio!

Those who know me, I'm sure you will know I'm very particular with who I collaborate with. I wouldn't ever recommend a brand or company who I haven't used myself and loved. So unless I've had a personal experience, we're not teaming up. I first met these lovely ladies when I just found out I was pregnant, Laura scanned me first at 6 weeks for the early reassurance scan, but my baby wasn't playing ball and she couldn't be seen on screen. Of course as a first time Mum this panicked me, but Laura was so kind and told me she could see everything else was okay and she could see the fetal pole so she wasn't concerned. It was very reassuring to hear and I was invited back a week later at 7 weeks, where I first saw my little blob on screen and heard the heartbeat for the first time. Which of course made me tear up.
Then at 15 weeks I was scanned by Katie for the gender reveal. I needed it to be kept a secret due to having a gender reveal party with my family the next day, so she was very discreet, flicking the ultrasound back to a normal screen for our view when she was checking the gender to ensure we didn't get any spoilers. She then wrote this on a piece of card in a sealed envelope and it was obviously correct. (Read about our gender reveal here). I then saw Katie again at 31 weeks for a 4D scan, my little lady wasn't happy about being scanned and went into hiding, but instead of sending me away disappointed Katie got me to do some movements and wobbled my tummy until my baby could be seen. This took up quite a bit of time but I didn't ever feel like it was an inconvenience which I loved about the service.
So as I've used both of these talented ladies twice myself, and knowing they will spend time and effort to guarantee a memorable experience is why I was more than happy to collaborate when Katie approached me a couple of months ago. I couldn't recommend them enough so I'm proud to work alongside them. Here's the scan images from my lovely experiences with them. The 4D one is very accurate when comparing side by side, don't you think?!

So how can See Your Baby support your pregnancy? The pregnancy clinic offer a wide range of midwifery services and scanning opportunities. Their fully qualified staff ensure you and your baby’s safety is paramount, using only the finest of ultrasonic equipment that is maintained and tailored to provide only the best images.
Katie and her team are always on hand to give the upmost reassurance at any point of your pregnancy. Their experience in early pregnancy scanning allows you to see your baby from as early as 6 weeks. The first hospital scan isn't until 12-14 weeks so it's a long long wait to know everything is okay from first finding out you're pregnant, I know I couldn't have waited that long. It's very reassuring to know all is going well, and of course how many baby's are in there!!
And if you're as inpatient as I am, you can go and find out the gender of your baby at just 14 weeks, which is 6 weeks before the hospital's gender scan. See Your Baby are the only clinic in Leicester who divulge genders as early as 14 weeks, usually clinics will not offer it before 16 weeks, but Katie knows her stuff and hasn't been wrong yet! They also give you a sneaky peak in 4D too, which is amazing.
4D scanning as well as HD Live is an opportunity to see your baby in real time that will reveal the most amazing footage of your baby growing in the womb. Often seen yawning and pouting, I can't even begin to explain the feeling you get from seeing your baby in this way. It's so special, and very different to a normal scan, it's so realistic and very overwhelming.
Katie offers heart beat bears and exciting memorabilia which makes great memories from the day too. I have listened to my heartbeat bear from my scan a couple of times, and now she's been born it's even more special than it ever was, as I'll never be able to hear her heart like that again. It's such a special keepsake.
The scan clinic not only offers reassurance, gender and growth scans, but also non invasion prenatal testing (harmony screening). Your DNA assesses the risk of down syndrome, edwards syndrome and patae syndrome. These tests are done by a simple blood test.
Also, as a lead midwife and educator Katie will be inviting couple to experience her one day antenatal classes. Once again I personally attended one of Katie's antenatal classes at around 30 weeks pregnant, and definitely gained a lot from it, and so did my partner. Being a baby photographer I really thought I knew a lot but this class really opened my eyes to things I hadn't even considered, and it definitely prepared me for the birth. The classes discuss what to expect and they talk about every angle of childbirth during the sessions. Katie will empower and support your journey from the very beginning.
And finally, weekly FREE weigh in sessions and advice clinics are held every Monday morning at See Your Baby. Not only do you get to document your baby's growth but you also get to meet other new parents.

Now you know a bit about the amazing services the clinic offers, it's time to talk about the lovely lady who started all of this, and the lady who gives you and your family this opportunity. With a wealth of expert knowledge Katie welcomes families to experience scanning services.
Katie is a registered midwife and sonographer with over 15 years experience, having supported birth to thousands of families in the UK and Australia, she has gained an excellent reputation for proving care that is individualised, women centred and above all respectful. Previous roles have included Labour Suite Coordinator, Lead Midwifery Practice Facilitator and more recently Labour Ward Manager at Coventry Hospitals.
To compliment the services provided at See Your Baby, Katie will be joined by Sonographer Laura Pearson. Laura has developed an amazing portfolio of unbelievable 4D images captured in the womb. With a natural talent for scanning, Laura never ceases to amaze those who she cares for during their pregnancies. Laura is a strong team member with sound experience and dedication.
Because of all the amazing things I've listed above is why we'll be teaming up with this brilliant company. There will be discounts for using both of our services, and we will have packages to include both scans photoshoots, watch this space!!

Telephone: 0116 289 5987