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Its a GIRL!

For those following the baby excitement...

We're having a GIRL!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕

Did you guess correctly?

Image created using stills taken from a video filmed on my own camera!

We went for a gender scan on Saturday afternoon at Miracle In Progress in Shepshed, and the lovely midwife Katie wrote the gender in an envelope which we bought home and had in the house for over 24 hours!!! I picked it up a few times, very tempted to open it. Joe, my partner was the same, but we were good and waited. I'm pretty impressed I managed to resist, it was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long time.

We planned a little gender reveal party with our close friends and family so we could all find out together. I ordered some coloured spoke cannons, I purchased two blue and two pink, then I covered the packaging, bagged them up separately with the colour written only on the bag. We then had a friend and fellow photographer Emma take some photographs of us finding out so she could capture our reactions. I gave her the two bags with the envelope, and she gave us the correct colour cannon to let off once she'd read it. I asked Emma to do it for us as I wanted everyone there to find out at the same time. So she had a huge responsibility of making sure she 100% gave us the right colour, pressure!! She said there was a moment of instant panic when the cannons came out blue at the beginning!!

Image by Emma Wenham Photography

Image by Emma Wenham Photography

Considering I'm a photographer, I didn't actually take any photographs of the day, I was so busy hosting and the day was full of excitement so it didn't even cross my mind. I'm usually being nagged at for taking too many photos of every little thing so that just shows how much my mind was occupied! I did manage to get a quick phone snap of the cake I made for the party though...

So now I know the gender I can start buying pretty girly things, and most important, plan my newborn photoshoot!!

If you're interested in following my pregnancy journey, I'll be updating the blog regularly so keep an eye out! Search the category Personal Pregnancy Journey in the blog for all related posts!


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